Members of the Student Council

Daksha Sharma
Age: 27
Study program: Food Quality and Safety
Semester: 3
Function: First spokesperson, member of the student parliament and faculty council

Tanushree Nehta
Alter: 24
Studiengang: Food Qualiy and Safety
Semester: 3
Funktion in der Fachschaft: second spokesperson, member of the faculty council

Emma Scholz
Alter: 20
Studiengang: Food- and Healthsciences
Semester: 3
Funktion in der Fachschaft:

Katharina Büttcher
Age: 24
Study program: Food- and Healthsciences
Semester: 3

Jonathan Roth
Age: 22
Study program: Food- and Healthsciences
Semester: 3
Function: Finance

Frédéric Bäker
Age: 21
Study program: Food- and Healthsciences
Semester: 7
Function: Bike rental

Jana Behnisch
Age: 20
Study program: Food System Sciences
Semester: 1
Former student councils

Fachschaft 2023/24 von links oben:
Shivam Yadav, Yannick Yasar, Marcel Bauer, Sophia Förth, Daria Voronov, Frédéric Bäcker, Vivien Sefcik
Stundent Council 2022/23:
Marcel Bauer, Sophia Förth, Anna Handte-Reinecker, Anika Büchel, Darya Roslyakova, Celine Schlüßler, Yannick Yasar